Crepitus Knee : What To Do When Your Knee Joint Sound Popping & Snapping ?

What should you do when you suspect to have Crepitus knee condition ? It is a common question with many patients who are suffering from this ailment. Knee crepitus is medically described as a crunching or crackling noise heard when the knee is straightened or bent. The knee is one of the more vulnerable joints we have, and such a problem should be addressed with haste, depending on things such as magnitude and severity of the discomfort. Knee crepitus can sometimes be a simple crunching noise that is not associated with any pain and it subsides away on its own without any medical intervention.

However, there are times when the crepitus is severe, and more often than not there’s pain involved. In such cases, the crepitus is intense to the point that the sound produces a sensation when the palm is placed on the knee as it is flexed or extended. The cause of the crepitus in this case is usually a pathological one, such as RA (rheumatoid arthritis), but this is only a diagnosis a qualified physician can reach.

Crepitus knee treatment
When knee crepitus is a problem that’s disconcerting to you, there are a few options you can explore first before you decide a medical consult is needed. Do note that the treatment option you go for will be dependent on what is causing the crepitus to begin with, and the severity of the problem. A mechanical pop should not alarm you. It’s expected, such as when taking a weighted squat, or when running. Should the pop be consistent, you should first stop the current activity you’re engaged in. If there’s some inflammation, put some ice on the affected knee for at least ten minutes. This should reduce the swelling, and restore proper function of the knee. A massage to the area also helps, greatly.
crepitus knee what to do treatment
Crepitus knee what to do – stretching
Stretching regularly is encouraged as it loosens up the ligaments and increases the stability of the joint. Doing leg exercises that target the quadriceps is also recommended, especially for those people who have stronger hamstrings than quadriceps. Doing squats helps with the problem so long as they are not too weighted. Gradual running should start giving some relief and you should really try not to run faster or longer than your knees can comfortably handle. Avoid overpronation, and running downhill on a regular basis as controlling your speed and stabilizing your descent requires too much work from the knees. Additionally, ensure the path you are running on is even, flat or simply regular.

Understand the cause of Crepitus knee condition and symptoms
These solutions help when the knee crepitus problem is not pathologic, and there’s little or no pain. However if there’s pain and inflammation, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen should be of some help. If both the symptoms don’t subside, it’s an indicator that the problem could be much greater, for instance, rubbing off of cartilage. To avoid the problem from escalating, and get some relief from crepitus knee pain and the discomfort, you should see a doctor. A few tests can help confirm whether it is an arthritis problem. Knee crepitus is very disconcerting, and you shouldn’t put up with it unless you understand what the cause is first.

Crepitus Knee : What To Do When Your Knee Joint Sound Popping & Snapping ?
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